Import of veterans

Import of veterans

Wherever your dream car is, we'll be happy to bring it to you on order. Whether the car is physically located in Calgary, Stockhome, London, Barcelona or Paris, for example, custom importing is one of the skills we have really honed. Just get in touch with us and place your order. We will immediately begin communication with the dealer and will not stop working until the vintage is in tow. And that includes a personal on-site visit from our experts, a thorough inspection and a test drive.

We'll keep you informed, sharing photos, videos and updates. By the time you've had a few hours of sleep, your dream car will be parked right next to you and everything else will be sorted. And if by any chance the vehicle you've chosen isn't the right fit, we'll be happy to point out any shortcomings and offer a better alternative if necessary. We do it all the time, we're great at it.

Nabízíme komplexní servis dovozu veteránů, najdeme veterána, dovezeme ho ze zahraničí a zajistíme přihlášení.