Foreign vintage cars advertising

Foreign vintage cars advertising

A classic car is an object of joy and a reflection of its owner's taste and character. It must fit you like a tailor-made suit. We know this well, and that's why we spend a lot of time selecting the ideal candidates from the vast virtual environment according to your wishes and needs. The Czech pond is small, so we search all over Europe, but also in Canada and other places. It takes a lot of time, but for a satisfied customer it is essential - we will not buy a rabbit in a bag. With years of experience in the industry, we know where to look for hidden deals at first glance, how to find the perfect piece for you.

We also know how to find cars that haven't been floating around the internet for months or even years, but fresh stock. We search for and find unique cars, which we then deliver to your doorstep. We know what we're doing.

Dovoz veterána ze zahraničí na míru podle vašich specifikací, zajišťujeme dovoz z německa, polska, anglie nebo i kanady a usa.